Los Alamitos Cadet Squadron 153
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Step 1 - 101 Card

First step... get that 101 card!

What is a 101 Card?

A CAP Form 101, commonly referred to as a 101 Card is your ticket into emergency services. This card shows mission staff at a glance what you are qualified to do when you sign in for a mission and is required before you can begin any hands on training in emergency services.




In order to get a 101 Card, you will need the following:

  • Current membership

  • Minimum grade:

    • Cadets: C/Amn (Achievement 1 - Curry Award)

    • Seniors: SM - Level I

  • Successful completion of the tests below using the Online Test System:

    • CAPT 116 General ES (quiz and material located in AXIS)

Detailed Instructions

CAPT 116 General ES:

This open book questionnaire is based on CAPR 60-3, CAP Emergency Services Training and Operational Missions, CAPR 173-3, Payment for Civil Air Patrol Support; and General Emergency Services training materials available online. The 25 questions on this test cover general emergency services (ES) operational mission procedures and is accomplished by all CAP members prior to initial issuance of CAPF 101, Civil Air Patrol Specialty Qualification Card, and normally by all personnel currently holding valid CAPF 101 cards within 180 days of issuance of a new examination to remain current. Since this exam is being issued on an interim regulation, currently qualified personnel will not be required to re-take this version. When the new regulation combining CAPR 60-3 and CAPR 60-6 is completed, a new exam will be issued, and all qualified personnel will be required to complete it.

Passing score for the test is 72%.  There is no time limit.

Lesson content for this module consists of PDF readings. You can view the materials below. If you prefer to download you may do so, but remember to select close when exiting to log your completion.


Next, What Area(s) of ES Are You Interested in Doing?

Out in the field -- ground team member (GTM), urban direction finding (UDF)

Back at base -- flight line marshaller (FLM), mission radio operator (MRO), mission staff assistant (MSA)

In the air -- only cadets over the age of 18 (see Cadets in Emergency Services), except for sUAS missions

Depending upon what you want to do in ES you will have to complete one of the three parts of CAPT 117 ES Continuing Education (available in AXIS).

  • CAPT 117 Emergency Services Continuing Education Part 1 is required for all ground team members, ground team leaders

  • CAPT 117 Emergency Services Continuing Education Part 2 is required for all SAR/DR mission pilots, transport mission pilots, mission scanners, mission observers, flight line marshallers, and flight line supervisors

  • CAPT 117 Emergency Services Continuing Education Part 3 is required for all incident commanders, agency liaisons, planning section chiefs, logistics section chiefs, finance/administration section chiefs, air operations branch directors, ground branch directors, information officers, communications unit leaders, mission radio operators, mission safety officers, liaison officers, mission chaplains, and mission staff assistants


Printing Your 101 Card

After you have completed the tests, you are eligible to begin training for further qualifications. Before you can participate in any training exercises, however, you will need to print a CAPF 101 (otherwise known as the 101 Card) by following the directions below:

  1. Login to eServices.

  2. Select Operations from the left hand menu.

  3. Select Operations Qualifications from the drop down

  4. Click on the red Ops Quals in order open that drop down

  5. Under Emergency Services click on 101 Card

  6. Enter your CAPID and hit enter


For those who have access, you can also bring up your qualifications in the PCR Mobile App.

https://mobile-tools.pcrcap.org/ > select CA Wing > click on the purple "MY INFO" circle and there you go


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