Los Alamitos Cadet Squadron 153
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SQ FTX - Field Training Exercises

Field Training Exercises -- FTX

An opportunity to learn, an opportunity to lead



FTXs are a tradition of Squadron 153's and rather unique to us. Sure other squadrons might participate in or maybe even host SAREXs (Search And Rescue Exercises) but our FTXs are not purely a focus on Ground Team tasks. We strive to do at least two FTXs per year -- Desert Fox, in the spring to a desert location and Mountain Lion, in the fall to a mountain location. Field training exercises are an opportunity for new cadets to learn field survival skills along with some ES (Emergency Services) skills, while allowing more seasoned cadets the opportunity to teach, practice leadership that might not be available to them during the regular meeting nights, and for some of them hone planning and logistics skills.  

This year's FTXs:

Desert Fox 2024 -- May (more details to come)

Mountain Lion 2024 -- TBA



Desert Fox: Somewhere in the Mojave Desert; so far it's been Owl Canyon and Afton Canyon

Mountain Lion:  Somewhere in the local mountains, typically Angeles or San Bernardino National Forests

Sierra Bear: Somewhere in the Sierra Nevada mountains; so far it's been R Ranch in the Sequoias 


Frequently Asked Questions

Do we sleep in tents?     You betcha! Yes we sleep in tents

What if a cadet doesn't have all the equipment or items need for the FTX?     The Squadron actually has a lot items that can be issued out on loan for the FTX (Alice packs, military sleeping bags, foam sleeping pads, watch caps, gloves, Polypropylene underwear, M-65 field jackets, canteens -- yes, we actually have all that and more). 



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