Los Alamitos Cadet Squadron 153
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Cold Weather Uniform Standards

Unlike squadrons in other parts of the country we don’t see a whole lot of really cold weather, in fact the rest of the country would probably laugh at what we call “cold” and as such, most of the time we want to adhere to uniform standards (CAPR 39-1) as closely as possible, see ABU Outerwear and Class B Outerwear for examples. There are however occasions when it gets pretty darned cold and it is on these occasions when the Squadron Commander (or the SQ Deputy Commander, the SQ NCO, the SQ Health Services Officer, or the SQ Safety Officer) will authorize and encourage “cold weather uniform standards”.


Threshold Conditions: ≤65°F and/or winds >10 MPH

Cold Weather Uniform Standards

How is this different from what’s detailed in the ABU Outerwear and Class B Outerwear examples?

When it gets cold enough, the Squadron Commander has stated that he is, “more concerned with cadets staying warm than strict adherence to CAPR 39-1” Cadets should try their best to be sensible about what they wear, but ultimately function out weighs "fashion", nonetheless here is a guide to “cold weather uniform standards” – basically try to match as best as you can with what you have.

Beanies/Watch Caps:    

  • If we are in blues, then dark blue or black
  • If we are in ABUs, then foliage green, light grey, or black
  • Note: solid colors, no polka dots, stripes, or patterns; no logos preferred, otherwise as minimal as you can find
  • Note: opening and closing formations require flight cover (blues) or patrol cap (ABUs) period – you can manage for a few minutes


  • If we are in blues, then again, dark blue or black
  • If we are in ABUs, then likewise, foliage green, light grey, sand, or black
  • Note: solid colors, no polka dots, stripes, or patterns (additionally no current or retired camouflage, this means no woodland, no OCP, etc. if you’re going to go ahead and wear camouflage then you can get the proper one); no logos preferred, otherwise as minimal as you can find
  • Note: jackets are authorized and encouraged for wear during opening and closing formations – stay warm!


  • Pretty much any solid darker or Earth tone colors: dark blue or black would be ideal for blues but if all you have is foliage green, light grey, sand, or coyote (brown), then that’s fine too
  • Note: gloves are authorized the whole time



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